connected networks

It Takes a Village to Build an Ecosystem

Exploring the Many Roles of Ecosystem Building

By Enoch Elwell, CO.STARTERS Founder & Visionary

As the ecosystem building approach to economic and community development gains interest and credibility, the title of “ecosystem builder” has emerged to represent a specific type of community leader. This title signifies important distinctions in the intended outcomes as well as the type […]

July 26th, 2019|Ecosystems + Economies, Resource, Starter Support|

Networks vs. Nodes: Developing New Business Models for the Connected Age

By Enoch Elwell, CO.STARTERS Founder & Visionary

As CO.STARTERS has worked as a leader in the emerging field of entrepreneurial ecosystem building—which is essentially about building dense networks of trust, both institutional and personal, to support entrepreneurs—we find our work positioned in the middle of a unique combination of players:

  • Grassroots leaders and local […]
May 22nd, 2019|Ecosystems + Economies|
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